Just found this great site today and felt the kinship right away, so, of course, I just had to hook up with y'all.I've been an outdoorsy guy pretty well all of my life and I'm now retired, so I'm spending a lot of the time that I have left, in the woods where I feel I really belong. I take pictures of the things I do and the gear that I use and sometimes even write about it too.
I mostly camp with Mark Malick, a lifelong friend, many week-ends of the year in all four seasons and have been hooked on hammocks ever since he introduced me to the wonderful world of Hammocking back in '07! We both joined hammockforums dot net, an Awesome place to hang out and learn a lot too and I started to Really get into it. I now have over a dozen DIY hammocks. lol Which in fact I believe goes quite well with the 21 self bows or stick bows and the 3 dozen fire bow drill kits that I've built. I LOVE bushcrafty stuff and working with my hands.
Looking forward in here to meeting many of you fellow minded folks from across the sea so we can compare notes and share fond memories and perhaps even help to create new ones.
I intend to share a few pictures of some of our Ontario public land camp outs and our gear in here because I know all of us bushcrafty peeps LOVE pics, right?
Ok, that's it for now, gotta get into reading some of what y'all have contributed and shared in the past.
Oh ya, I also LOVE freshwater fishing!