Hi all,
After assisting on Natures Craft courses for a few years and a HND in woodland management and arboriculture things finally seem to be going my way. I have been approached by a woodland education centre to run weekend bushcraft courses for them. I will be freelance but covered by their insurance but will have to supply most of the kit, but for the mean time I have borrowed kit to get me going. I have submitted the course plan and now just waiting for conformation of the first date. I have no admin to do so I can turn up and teach with hopefully no hassle or worry as I am paid regardless of how many students come. There maybe be an opportunity next year for me to be full time in in the woodland with more management tasks in the woods, its 50 acres so should be plenty to keep me occupied. So fingers crossed I will have my first date in a few weeks but I have lots of work to do before then.
Wish me luck, Stan