two jobs ?
two jobs ?
I thought you tought health and safe and also did rescue work too? sorry if im wrong matey
Sorry to hear that mate! i hope things start looking up for soon buddy.
i can still navigate by natural means though
I understand the physics of surface tension, however my fingers do not and these hands that can work on PCBs at component level must have a natural agent that disrupts the surface tension on contact. It's like putting washing up liquid in. I will have to resort to lowering it in on a cotton or the leaf idea might work.
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”
Lol yes they do, natural oils from your skin.....
Although the moss direction does work, you can find yourself in some woods where all the trees have moss and can also be on all sides, ! Also another method is that trees will grow more branches on the southern side due to more light exposure etc giving a ticking effect, these are guides not exact science this picture I took kind of knocks that theory also most growth was on the north west side, but this was due to these hazel stumps being in the bottom of valley so the light was bouncing of the opposite valley side and the bank and larger trees were blocking out the sun on the southern side. it's just a matter of reading the signs of the land to try and work out direction. The natural navigator book is a great little read as is Harold Gattys book