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Thread: Advice - Which hammock set up for a scout group?

  1. #1

    Advice - Which hammock set up for a scout group?

    Guys, I'm after some advice please.

    Our scout group is looking to buy about 10 hammock set ups eg hammock and tarp; and am wondering where you would go to buy them?

    I've had a look on military mart and sent an e-mail to dd hammocks for a discount quote but does anyone out there have any more contacts/ ideas?


  2. #2
    Tribal Elder
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    Dec 2010
    outdoorGB could be worth a go or surplus and outdoors

  3. #3
    Native Shewie's Avatar
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    I'd wait and see what Nick from DD comes back with, they'd be ideal for scout groups

    Another option is Tenth Wonder which I keep hearing good things about.

  4. #4
    Moderator jus_young's Avatar
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    Devon, UK
    My suggestions would be the same as those above. When considering hammocks for the Scouts I really would look at the type with bug nets. A miserable camp can be avoided with this bonus protection, I know it will add to the cost overall.

    Good luck and happy hanging - I would love to do this with my Scouts, some have even requested it but the funds are just not there for this type of purchase just yet.

  5. #5
    Tribal Elder AdrianRose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jus_young View Post
    My suggestions would be the same as those above. When considering hammocks for the Scouts I really would look at the type with bug nets. A miserable camp can be avoided with this bonus protection, I know it will add to the cost overall.

    Good luck and happy hanging - I would love to do this with my Scouts, some have even requested it but the funds are just not there for this type of purchase just yet.
    I agree 100% with the wise words of the above gentleman.

    (ok you can all stop laughing now at the fact I called him a gentleman!!)


  6. #6
    Moderator jus_young's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrianRose View Post
    I agree 100% with the wise words of the above gentleman.

    (ok you can all stop laughing now at the fact I called him a gentleman!!)

    Hey.. I resemble that remark!!!

  7. #7
    Samuel Hearne happybonzo's Avatar
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    I would have thought that in the present economic climate that anyone who was a cash buyer would have their arm taken off.

    You're part of a recognised organisation, that in itself should give you some leverage. Also the publicity value of 10 or 12 hammocks, or tents for that matter, all of one make is the sort of thing that publicity departments dream of. It's a shame that the likes of Vango don't do Hammocks as they would be quite receptive to an idea like that.

    Good luck with this and when you've got all the hammocks up at once, let's see some pictures
    Last edited by happybonzo; 27-08-2012 at 06:47 AM. Reason: biff typing
    Only my dog can judge me

  8. #8
    I can recommend tenth wonder hammocks (no affiliation etc, its just that we bought about a dozen some time back and got a good discount). They are cheap enough that you don't need to get upset if they get damaged (and with Scouts they will eventually!)
    For tarps we used cheap camouflage tarps (10 for around £50 on eBay). These are just starting to show some damage after a couple of seasons' use (but were good in the short term until we knew if the kids liked hammocking enough to buy something more expensive/substantial) so that is our next purchase. We haven't used bug nets but that hasn't been a problem - so far.
    There are photos in our gallery at

  9. #9
    Trapper aman's Avatar
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    Can you get Tenth Wonder Hammocks in the UK?

  10. #10
    Peasant craige's Avatar
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    Tenth wonder are a UK based company, they sell everything through ebay although you can email them for custom jobs apparently and you might as well ask him for a group discount. They're on holiday but are back at the start of September (When I've got pennies I'm buying a tarp from them, which is why I know!). Read some good things bad seen a review on youtube, they seem pretty good.

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