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Thread: First night out of the year with the new hammock and stove

  1. #1

    Smile First night out of the year with the new hammock and stove

    Hi guys,

    Just thought I'd write a few words about my first trip out of the year so far......

    I decided that as 'Her indoors' didn't have anything planned for us this weekend that I would dust of my gear and give it it's first airing of the season. I walked out into my local woods and started exploring about 1730 last night thinking that it would be nice and quiet but finding that because of the nice weather it was still busy, so I made myself discreet and stayed off the main paths until the main car park closed. I then set up my tarp and my new hammock, settled in to cooking up some tea......

    Over the winter and inspired by other people on here and the 'instructables' website, I decided to make myself a stove/ brassier (pictures below), it was a cutlery holder from my local Robert Dyas with a nice hole dremmeled out so I could keep a steady supply of wood going in and a couple of bolts to raise it of the floor. But on this occasion because the wood has strict no fires policy and the fact that I found it again after buying it about 3 years ago, I decided to use a 'greenheat' fuel cell, its a small pot 2-3" diameter by again about 3" tall. I bought it on impulse years ago and never really got round to using it but I was really impressed with it, its a congealed alcohol fuel that's a replacement for meths. Although I can say it was the quickest to heat up my tea, it wasn't that slow either, I was quite happy watching the Squirrels and Mutjac go by, and another selling point of it is that it burns cleanly so no black pans and should last upto 2 hours!!!

    After tea I had a little wander around, but quickly returned and plonked myself down watching the wood go about its business as dusk set in. As darkness began to fall I decided than rather stomp about the place with my head torch on, I'd have an early night and prepared for bed.

    This was where the virgin hammock would come into play! It's a DD hammock with mossie net, but due to the temperature I was pretty certain there were not going to be any mossies out so I was just laying on top with my thermarest in between the layers and my trusty snugpak sleeping bag to keep me warm on top. How wrong I was! it was cold last night, really cold...... not underneath as the thermarest did its job, but I wish I had dug out my bivi bag as well as I'm pretty sure that the light wind was aiding in my bag to not being a warm as I remember. Anyway apart from waking up shivering, although I wasn't actually that cold.... (think it was the cold air on my face) it was a good nights sleep it the hammock and I can definitely say that I'm a convert. It was surprisingly comfortable, as a long time hillwalker/ climber/ Military I've done my apprenticeship of slumming it on the floor.... but no more, it's the trees for me from now on!!!!!!!

    Obviously, I was then up with the dawn chorus, breakfast heated and camp de-built all before 0600 and walking out the woods happy and contented....... now just have to wait for the next weekend where my life's not planned for me!!
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  2. #2
    Tribal Elder
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    St. Helens north west
    Great stuff!! glad you got out and thanks for sharing!!!
    'Experience is the most efficient teacher of all things,'

  3. #3
    Tribal Elder AdrianRose's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    What an excellent depiction of your time outdoors. Thanks for sharing.

    The stove looks great and I'm happy that you are a hammock convert too, I love 'em.

    Just be careful when you set up underneath any more of those big Beeches like the one in your pic.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Bolton area, Lancashire
    Great to hear your a hanger too now, same here im a new convert to the hammock. Great account of your first overnighter. Mac
    There are no strangers, just friends I have not met

  5. #5
    Ranger Tony1948's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    North Essex Clacton-on-sea
    Thanks for sharing Bc

  6. #6
    Native KaiTheIronHound's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    Nice mate, looks like a good trip out! More than slightly jealous!

  7. #7
    Native bigzee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Between Lincoln & Boston
    I'm chuckling to myself as you keep dropping very obvious hints at the frustrations of having a female plan out your days off. Know where you're coming from with that one bud. This afternoon I though I was practising single rope technique from the top bannister rail, but as it turns out I was helping her tidy our bedroom and reverse all the furniture to how she had it about three years ago!

    Nice report and pictures. Glad you got a bit of what you deserved this weekend!
    If you stretch out both arms to represent all time on earth, then with one stroke of a nail file you could eradicate all human history, and 98 per cent of all human history was spent in the stone age.

  8. #8
    good going dude i like it alot mate drew

  9. #9
    Moderator Roadkillphil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nice one fella, another ground to hammock convert
    How do you find the thermarest in the hammock? I've gone from thermarest to homemade mat (made me sweat and soak the hammock!) to DIY underquilt. But on my last trip out I used my thermarest again, slightly deflated and I was nice and toasty but sweat free too. A lot of folks say it moves around but I've not had that problem.

    Anyhows, good to see you had a nice night under trees


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  10. #10
    Ent FishyFolk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Harstad, Norway
    Good write up, which makes me wan't a hammock more and more. The only problem is that the trees around where i would go for overnighters are not very hammock friendly....
    Victory awaits the one, that has everything in order - luck we call it
    Defeat is an absolute consequense for the one that have neglected to do the necessary preparations - bad luck we call it
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