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Thread: One of mine, for all us poor buggers who get stuck in the city.

  1. #1
    Native KaiTheIronHound's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia

    One of mine, for all us poor buggers who get stuck in the city.

    So, because i live in the city, i have an annoyingly difficult time making supplies like charcloth. So, here's how i make charcloth using a barbecue. I dunno if this has been done before on the forum, if it has, i appologise. If not, i hope you enjoy!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by KaiTheIronHound View Post
    So, because i live in the city, i have an annoyingly difficult time making supplies like charcloth. So, here's how i make charcloth using a barbecue. I dunno if this has been done before on the forum, if it has, i appologise. If not, i hope you enjoy!

    So kai, is there a part 2 to this?
    You did not finish the process of making char cloth, do you seal the bag, what's the cooling times, etc?
    I was really in to your tutorial, before you wandered a bit, otherwise, good on you for adapting to your living conditions whilst still pursuing your passsion for Bushcraft!

  3. #3
    Native KaiTheIronHound's Avatar
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    Could have sworn i mentioned to seal the bag except for a small hole, and also to let it cool before opening... Ahh well, will do it over again properly. Thanks for pointing out the flaws.

  4. #4
    Native Marvell's Avatar
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    Did you know ... another way of making char cloth is to set fire to some cloth and quickly put it in a sealed jar.
    Steve Marvell
    Professional Survival Instructor
    Blog: Survival's Cool also available on Facebook

  5. #5
    Native KaiTheIronHound's Avatar
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    Yep, that works, but i'm pretty sure the bodycorporate of our appartment building would take umbridge to me lighting fires on the veranda. :P

  6. #6
    Native Marvell's Avatar
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    They have no sense of fun
    Steve Marvell
    Professional Survival Instructor
    Blog: Survival's Cool also available on Facebook

  7. #7
    Moderator JEEP's Avatar
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    Excellent demonstration! Thanks for sharing.

  8. #8
    Native KaiTheIronHound's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia
    Cheers mate, i reckon i need to make things a tad clearer... Ahh well, running low on charcloth anyway, will need to make more soon!

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