Sorry folks, but I couldn't resist this from the underblanket thread, seemed like too good an opportunity for a bit of nostalgia to miss, but didn't want to derail the underblanket thread completely.
So you started with a roll mat eh Jonny. sounds like luxury to me!Originally Posted by JonnyP
A mate and I started night fishing with just some polythene sheets to cover ourselves with before getting brollies. Various homemade tarp type set-ups followed before Slug bought a Richard Walker brolly camp. Weighed a ton, but such good kit. His brolly was one of those that you could remove the central pole once erected and we used to support the ends of the ribs with bamboo canes, a rubber end from a walking stick went over the remaining central pole to stop you cutting yourself and the tent pegs were replaced with six inch nail through tap washers. Spent weeks like that during the summer hols in the late seventies.
I think brown and orange flowers on your sun loungers was compulsory wasn't it!
Hmm, Carp and Tench in summer, Pike in winter. Wonderful!