After the success of my last working party back in the spring lots of folk have said that they would like to come along next time. Well, I finally have the date for the next one and half a plan as to what I would like to get done
The general plan is to get a group of willing folk together in my woods for the weekend and get stuck into some of those jobs that either take me all winter to do on my own or simply require extra hands. Then on Saturday evening we have a jolly good knees up around the campfire!
The date of the gathering is the weekend of the 26th-27th of November, though folk are welcome to arrive of the friday if they like.
The location is, fairy obviously, my woods near Cheirton Bishop (about 15 miles west of Exeter).
The plan of action will depend partly on whether the rain stops for long enough in the meantime for me to get some building materials into the woods. Some of the ideas below are based on having the building materials and others are incase we don't have them. so here are some ideas:
Extend my outdoor forge area (poles and roof on two sides)
Build 2 extra Roman/Saxon forges
Make bellows for the forges
Clear the top ride through the woods
Thin some more of the willow coppice that was started last time
Make a couple more shaving brakes
Make a group dining table and benches
Make a pole lathe or two
Obviously I don't expect to get all of those things done, but it's good to have a dream. One thing that I do insist happens is that folk enjoy themselves!
I've most of the tools for the work involved, but if I think of something that I don't have but might need I will post a request. Which leads me on to ask if anybody coming along has any special skills that they think might be useful?
I've a list of nearby accomodation for the wimps, but everyone else is welcome to camp in the woods. Plenty of space for hammocks or tents, but please remember that it is a 1/5 mile carry/wheelbarrow from where we park to the woods. So no stupid inflatable tents or trailers full of junk please As for food, please cater for yourselves but I will pick up something for all to tuck into as well on saturday night (a bit like the hangi idea at the BCUK bushmoot).
Please sign up here or drop me a pm if you are interested in coming along (even if can only come for some of it, you are more than welcome!).
Many thanks to all who came last time and I hope this one will be as much fun!