DIY Hammock...
Have you ever made a hammock? I have. It's pretty easy. I like simple.I picked up a bed sheet from the thrift store, a king size, but a queen size will do. Then I gathered the ends at each end and slipped a Larks head knotted length of good old paracord over them. The tension on the knot keeps everything together with no slippage. Now, I only weigh about a hundred and fifty pounds, but although the paracord does stretch a little, it didn't break. I haven't tested any heavier weights in this DIY hammy but, if you wanted to, you could just use stronger rope like climbers use.
So there you have it. Oh ya, I used polyester as it's stronger than plain cotton sheets. Anyone ready to feel the bliss? Go and give this a try. Feels pretty darn good laying in a thrifty self made back fixer and doubles as a fast set up, sling chair to