
Type: Posts; User: SlingshotSurvivalist

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  1. Anyone In North Wales around Bangor area on here?

    I'm studying at Bangor University and it would be nice to know someone up this way to do some bushcraft with! I have transport so I can venture outside of Bangor, I do most my bushcrafting in...
  2. Replies

    Tell me about it! was just up in Bangor at the...

    Tell me about it! was just up in Bangor at the weekend, it was very misty haha
  3. Replies

    Hello from Cornwall

    Hey people, I'm from Cornwall and am 17 years old, I started learning survival skills as i spend a lot off time hiking out in the wilderness of Scotland, Wales and I'm going too iceland in 2 weeks...
  4. Gathering at my friends woodland in Cornwall, Helston area

    Hey guys, me and my friend do a fair amount of bushcraft at his woodland and we thought it would be a cool idea to meet some like minded people there one weekend, you can bring any tools you wish as...
Results 1 to 4 of 4