Getting older,but not necessarily well.
Still washing a few rocks.n occasionly finding a few specks of Au.
Congrats n regards to all.q
Type: Posts; User: midas
Getting older,but not necessarily well.
Still washing a few rocks.n occasionly finding a few specks of Au.
Congrats n regards to all.q
Be aware "RUBBER SOLUTION "in tyre repair kits is for the "new"thin vulcanising patchs and aint like the PROPER RUBBER SOLUTION of old.I'd go for a good contact adiesive.
that seem a very good a reasonable price.
n when off road.outside help isnt on hand.
They also do not include ultra voilet enhancers (to make your clothes look whiter cleanerm)
If one washes your hunting clothes in normal washing powder. im told the deerboar.etc.iewe can see an...
I.ll second that Richard!,,As a member of the "FAMILY" I think they're great.!!!!
Hello n:welcome:to the forum n our :camping::campfire:
Withvreferance to wild boar running away from you.isnt alway true.if cornered or if one is stood on one off their escape routes.the will wildly charge an if you dont get out of the way the will knock...
Not if you take a .270w,or a
You'd just have to take eggs,you'd have plenty of bacon for breakfast.
Only in jest.....Wild camping in England not allowed,as neither is shooting...
What a wonderful happy event,rifle shooting as a spectator sport.takes me back a few years to practical npistol comps shot in public parks in france.also good spirt and practice.
Happiness is a hot...
Hi Jay.:welcome:to the forum.
Read the past posts,and dont be afraid of asking questions.great set of guys n gals, eho will be pleased to answer n guide you etc.atb.mike
Nice one,Rune..Spot on,and to the point!!!!
WE APPEAR TO BE GOING OF THE PURPOSE OF THIS POST>>>>Ishall reply to this post then the matter is closed in my opinion.
Your points on knife v gun,and distances.Please revue some of the MOSSAD...
The boar isnt alwayswounded by the rifle ( though the second n third one in a group may be.often yhe dogs pega boar in thick cover were using a high powered rifle is difficult.a spear or pistol is...
I'll second those remarks.claverhouse
Here are a few pointers on act.from SACS Dec members Magazine....
Air Weapon Cert..expected to cost £80.last 5 years unless,your under 18.(Can have a AWC at 14,but it is only to use one)
Yor AWC...
Cheddarman.Having a semi auto rifleis veryvuseful when out lamping rabbits.
Was also very useful for a second or third back up shot on wildd boar ifvone couodnt afford a double rifle.also very...
One woupd have a pistol or revolver for compedative targetvshooting.both practical n precision.
One also often needs a pistol.for humane dispatch of animals.veryvusefulvto have when hunting wild...
Proves TEAM WORK,really works.!!
Great to see everyone pulling togther.!!!!
Living history.!!
GaDay mate,:welcome:to the form and our :camping::campfire:,if your ever our side of the pond.We'll thro another Prawn or Steak on the Barbie.Dont forget the stubbies or six
Have Rellies...
Lunacy...Have we not got enough restrictions.
Shotguns put on ticket.1968 to appease the public.(Pete Roberts shot 3 policemen with a revolver)
Lost my semi-auto rifles..Lost my...
Hi Josh,:welcome:to the forum and our:camping::campfire:
There is some very interewsting information on this forum!
and a very great group of guys n gals.
If you got a problem or a question,just...
:welcome:Markj,to the forum n our :camping::campfire:May it be a good start to your year.!
I await with baited breath...or something like that.
If its owt like the other,with two teams it'll be twice as bad.!!!!!
Hi Chris,:welcome:to the forum n our :campfire:
Peace n tranquility.....loks like you picked a good spot n had a good time.