Hope you find time to relax. I did! :)
Type: Posts; User: Bernie
Hope you find time to relax. I did! :)
We have more in common than I wish on you (mine is "just" shoulder pain that just won't go away). Hope we both get some time around a campfire soon. :)
Thank you very much for the alternative means of learning this technique. T^
What has the web become? I clicked the link and was prevented from viewing the article by a huge block of questions about privacy and preferences. I edited the page to remove that and couldn't...
I dive in a surfing suit. People can snigger all they want; at least I'm getting wet and enjoying myself. :D
Beanie? ROFL! It's Bernie (Bernhard) HAHAHA!
No tanks for me thanks. I freedive with a speargun. I'm a long way East of you, in Exmouth (Devon). If you want to give that gun another chance, drop...
I held out for a long long time, not joining Failbook for years. No doubt I missed out on a lot of things my (international) family shared, but glad I didn't waste my time on it.
Sadly, I've had...
I was once recommended P20 (Riemann P20 Sun protection) and I swear by it. I don't bother with anything else.
Could you describe the usage, benefits, and drawbacks of this knot?
Excellent, thank you!
Let's keep this thread alive. I like seeing pictures when I'm stuck indoors at my desk. :)
Summer is coming again, just not soon enough!
Love that you take whatever weather comes your way and just dress appropriately and get out there to enjoy it.
Google just reminded me of a walk on Dartmoor we did six years ago to the day. I'm impressed with how well this mobile phone photo turned out.
We went for a walk on the common (up the road from us) yesterday just to get some air. Saw some massive fungi which I left well alone because I'm clueless. Besides, they look so nice, even if I could...
It's been nearly a week now and I've had no reply to the online form I filled in. :(
Hi all
Prefix: There isn't a volunteer section here, so I chose this because people will meet up to plant trees.
I was looking for an organisation where I could volunteer to plant some trees...
Even without the added bonus, that's a GREAT summary!
This thread had me searching for hotels in Harstad and flights from the UK. :o
Loving your home town. :)
Llanwrtyd Wells
A "few" more for your viewing pleasure: :D
We're just back from a week in Wales where we had no signal, no WiFi, and saw almost nobody all week. Bliss eh? :D
Also beware the ponies; they may appear docile at first, but they'll turn about and kick with their rear legs in the blink of an eye. (I managed to duck out of the way though.) :)
Don't be fooled by the low prices; they don't always mean poor quality. You're basically cutting out the middle-man on many of these items. Not all of course, some are cheap and nasty, but others are...
I see some very cheap tools from banggood.com as well. I've not bought any yet so I can't testify on quality, but you could read their reviews to see what people say. I've ordered a lot of...
Looks like a lovely fresh morning.