Cool :)
Type: Posts; User: Paul De Fitter
Cool :)
I've never had an injury in me bush :ashamed:
I did manage to cut my thumb one day in the woods, I bandeged it up, had a brew rechecked it, it was a nice clean cut the 2 side of it were kinda stuck...
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Blacky.
Crikey, the bushcraft store is out of stock at the moment, I've left my e-mail with them & they'll get back when they have some more
Result ;) been looking for this stuff for ages, thanks for the link, spending money now !!
This is good cheap stuff, no need to burn the ends if you don't mind a bit of fraying.
Not when you can get a rich person to pay a fortune to do it !
The ol pop up tent is a bugger to carry !
I think a tent with a bit of a fly/roof type thing over the door is a must, the pop up will let rain straight into the tent any time you open up,
I have one of those, I've got rid of the cover & just carry the rod !
I carry it in a pouch on my knife belt along with the biggest padded bandage I can stuff in there.
Think big.
Get a BIG pile of thin stuff, then double it.
For the next size wood try using split wood and use larger & larger split wood till you have a good thick bed of coals.
After that just...
P.M. on the way
I always carry my survival knife on's a Swiss Army Knife :zombie-fighting:
Cant say that I know mate, I use thread lock in work a lot & never noticed.
Only one way to find out,,try on a test piece
Are they called "Specials"
More cooking
Fantastic, what a result T^
Looks like 10 people up for this.
OK. part one..where ?
Adam ?
Where is the nearest bleeding Wilkinsons to me...I’ll ask the misses
Cant have enough dry bags
13-14 May
Blimey, the mozzies are back !
I had a night’s solo camp at my favourite spot, nothing special just a relaxing time.
I used some jungle formula, roll on mozzie replant, I find this a...
How much ?
Yeah, I have the trail hawk, just needed a bit of sharpening up & works a treat, it's not too heavy, splits very well.
I use it in combination with a saw & hardly ever use my knife anymore.
Yep, I use my pattern 44 mugs for everything too ;)
Still have trouble wiv speaking bleeding English
Nice one Adam :happy-clapping:
Could you sound out the landowner about a bigger meet, say about 20 thousand people, maybe less.
Better still could you find out what the landowner will allow, might...
On another thread Chubbs posted this:-
Now that sounds like a good idea.
That just leaves the, who, what, where, when & why.
Who:- I've no idea
What:- a big meet up with as many as...