thanks, i finished them a couple days ago
Type: Posts; User: MJ.
thanks, i finished them a couple days ago
thank you, iv started moving away from the heavily contoured handles in favor of a simpler design. i find the contoured grip comfortable but these with a generous swell more so for prolonged use in a...
in the fading light a pair of scandi's in 3mm o1 near completion. the scales were supposed to be dark brown canvas micarta... evidently not as can be seen!
thanks, im re doing the pommel today... i didnt like the original as it just didnt look right
thanks, not finished yet though! just removed the pommel and a couple sections of leather to add a larger pommel to match the front guard....
thanks. i just finished shaping the handle... not overly pleased with it but then its my first attempt at a stacked leather handle. my main concern was the rivet holding the pommel, when i tried to...
my first go at a bowie knife. little bit of a hic up as needed to redo the brass guard, fit just wasnt good enough... just finished the second temper, slightly lower temperature of 235c for 2 hours....
thanks, stock removal. its already on its way to a new owner
thanks, i still have to wax the leather, just waiting for the leather dye to dry... the screws are left loose and havnt fitted the spacers yet which is why they look a little off centre
just finished this one this morning made from 4mm o1 (long soak) cutting edge is 140mm, 275 overall length. olive canvas micarta scales and olive 2mm kydex sheath... i do have another one, this time...
thanks, stock removal as dont have anything suitable as an anvil yet
thanks, my latest one, this time using a different propane forge and with a full soak at 810c... its a keeper!
one of them almost finished, still at the sanding stage, OD and black G10 scales, brass pins. made from 5mm o1, has a 6" blade
heat treated, bevelled, edged and tested! on to sanding and at 180 grit so far
in 4mm, 5mm and 6mm o1
after selling the last two larger knives i made decided to make another for myself.. almost finished this one, similar to the last two i made but slightly smaller and a little more "bushy" made from...
had a few problems with the scales warping on this one so ripped them off and started again using some cocabola dymondwood. made from 4mm o1
started on the sheaths for the two larger camp knives, 2mm olive kydex
quick update on these have now finished another larger camp knife, a large bushy in 5mm and one of the smaller bush knives in 4mm
finished the other camp knife and also another bush knife, the bush knife is made from 5mm o1. still applying oil to the scales and have sheaths to make for them.
couple of quick pics before it gets...
its brother is on its way.... camp knife #2
just finished the scales on one of them, the larger camp knife, has a 1/4" thick 7 1/2" blade 13" overall. made from o1 tool steel, scales oak with 5mm brass pins. just one coat of tung oil so far...
thanks, i gave them all slightly different profiles #1 having the pointiest tip #2 and 3 progressively deeper, only a couple mm though.
bevel grinding today, bit of a late start as my partners day off and wanted a lie in... three more to go yet. all in o1. large camp knife is 6mm stock, smaller bush knives using 4mm with one larger...
after my disappointment with the MOD survival knife have decided to make one from scratch using 6mm o1 tool steel. not sure if i should use the original scales or the black and olive g10 i have? i...
thanks, just finishing up the sheaths for these two, 2mm olive kydex. the leather belt loops will be added later as are still drying after a bit of wet forming.