best review yet thanks Jeep T^
Type: Posts; User: survivalgirl
best review yet thanks Jeep T^
hey mac:)
hi there:welcome:
I heard I am so excited :jumping-joy:
oh I have that one great I think it's one of his first films:campfire:
alright thank you :happy-clapping:
well I have survive and will to live and you will not be disappointed great reads and info Beyond survival is also a great DVD to watch I bought mine and watch it alot and his music is great...
alright I remember the first time I sparked a fire without matches and stuff a real confidence boost :campfire:
:welcome: nice people here
oh thats great :happy-clapping:
well thats true
oh I would love to learn how to do that stuff
yea I don't like saying I love survival
I like dave canterberry on youtube great videos but couldn't get into duel survival
couldn't get into it :confused2:
ya and it was on his facebook page
ya I love Survivorman I loved learning about survival since I was little but never thought I could do it till I saw Les's show and his failures too I knew right...
my leatherman wave and my mora knife
thanks all for the wonderful welcome
I like azbushcraft and woodsmonkey :)
great ideas I should write all this down thanksT^
hi I live in Washington State and love learning about survival and a big les stroud fan :)