When in UK I used memory maps, printed off A4 size then kept in plastic folders (also had mm on a pda with me). Beauty with printing off pc is you can decide on your own size/detail requirements.
Type: Posts; User: stig
When in UK I used memory maps, printed off A4 size then kept in plastic folders (also had mm on a pda with me). Beauty with printing off pc is you can decide on your own size/detail requirements.
yep works for me now
good site - suggestion, change the font size or colour of navigation pane as i missed it first time ( could be my eyesight though!)
Scandi grind - all done by hand with a file, also made using old file blades, well the 3 needing scales are made from virgin tool steel. Handy having a log burner inside the house!!
All made here in PT by me - need something to do in the evenings!!
so that is why the locals look at me funny - not yet crazy enough
not registered at bushcraft-pt but will now do so as my broadband has been down - bloody kanguru
you will enjoy it here - very laid back country
Hi Ricardo - what area are you from? I am just outside Oliveira do Hospital in the hills!!!
for the moment it seems to be performing well on the 2 large car batteries - power for lighting comes out of the control box and this is a slow discharge, the power inverter is straight off the...
it is a great place, used to be up there most weeks when living in UK - even done river/stream walking there, damn cold!!!
hi Pedro, we will have to get together some time, I am in Oliveira do Hospital area, out most weekends rough camping along with my Land Rover (makes it easier to get to where I am going!!)
little bit different down here in Portugal on costs, picked up the panels secondhand along with contol box for 300€, i am using at the moment a large car battery for storage and take off of power but...
If anybody finds themselves in Central Portugal you are more than welcome to stay at my place - rough camping, but no open fires between April and October
Well have finally taken delivery of 2 x 50w solar panels, now installed and supplying me with enough power into storage batteries to allow me to have inverter running for over 4 hours each evening -...