My family has a bit of a festive tradition. After lunch all the kids and most of the adults have a huge water fight -buckets, hoses and water pistols. Usually a dozen of us running about getting...
Type: Posts; User: footsore1
My family has a bit of a festive tradition. After lunch all the kids and most of the adults have a huge water fight -buckets, hoses and water pistols. Usually a dozen of us running about getting...
That's a very useful site Pootle -Cheers
Just wondering if you folks in the UK have this stuff growing wild. I was introduced to it here in NZ by my brother who is a bit of a forager. Claytonia Perfoliata known here as 'Miners Lettuce' but...
Cheers Guy's
I hadn't noticed before Pootle but I see what you mean about the ostrich.
We are entering spring here in NZ and I for one am looking forward to some warmer days. But I enjoy my winter outings too -I thought I'd post some pic's from a trip into a wilderness valley in the...
I used to teach navigation on bushcraft courses to hiking groups etc. I would go over map and compass methods and then talk about a
alternate ways to find the cardinal points including the watch...
Great posts Humakt,
As others had said you have a way with both words and camera.
Glad to hear you managed to keep on the straight and narrow for your long weekend.
This trip report was originally written up for a hunting forum I belong to. As 'natural bushcraft' is a forum with a broader membership it's probably appropriate to attach a small warning to this...
Cheers all, I appreciate the welcome.
Bernie- I've added a hike report to woodland tales and I'll put up a 'family free' hunting one later.
I turned 50 this month and to celebrate we decided that this years family holiday was to be a week long tramp. Well to be fair, it was my idea and Jus, my wife, agreed to it in honour of my 1/2...
I was about to write that I've 'just joined', but I actually joined way back in 2011. I've only recently started contributing is a more accurate statement, as until now I've only periodically surfed...
I've tinkered with a few designs over the years as others have said the exercise in itself is absorbing. My main form of cooking is with an Esbit alcohol stove and the wood burning role is secondary....
I while back I wrote up Map and Compass techniques for a hunting forum I belong to.
These are techniques that work in the bush and mountains of NZ, you might need to see which of them are applicable...