Well at least I'm not the only one lol
Type: Posts; User: OakAshandThorn
Well at least I'm not the only one lol
Anyone in the eastern US, early tomorrow morning (Saturday), comet 45P will be visible with bionocs in the east, near Hercules constellation. Oh, and there will also be a lunar eclipse :cool:
It seems that you cannot log into the forum using a tablet :confused:. Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. I noticed it a few days ago...no big deal, I prefer the desktop :p. I was also...
The winter gods have smiled on us in the northeastern US....they have given my locale 33 cm of delightful, semi-fluffy snow yesterday :jumping-joy:
Just to prove that New England weather can be very...
T^ Simple, but effective...I like it :cool:
For a time, I carried the Thermarest repair kit, because the adhesive patches can not only repair your air pad, but it can also fix a punctured tarp or jacket. I never needed it until I slept too...
Since most of the folks here are in Europe, you should be able to get a hold of Swiss surplus axes. The Swiss take pride in their craftsmanship :). I landed one of their surplus hatchets (with the...
T^ Rune, you're killing me LOL :p
They look similar to my uncle's jungle boots that he wore during his time in the US Army (81nd Airborne). They were a poor design, though, better suited to cold or at least dry environments. Wouldn't...
T^ Rune, those aurora pics are stunning :cool:. Makes me wish that we could view them here. I've seen a few meteor showers, total lunar and solar eclipses, but never something as beautiful as aurora...
T^ Great shelter :). Sometime, I have to get around to building my own, which I haven't done in nearly a decade. I bet the lad was disappointed, but better safe than sorry.
Aye, flatten the stone or else it will actually become slightly concave, or have an uneven surface. It's a lot harder to keep a Scandinavian grind unless the stone is flat. I've seen some well used...
t^ +1 :d
For fine sharpening and polishing, it would be fantastic. But for "regular use" sharpening, I would recommend a waterstone with a 600 or 800 grit side (like this one -...
Can't wait for 2017 and my next job :jumping-joy:
T^ I'll drink to that! :cool:
T^ Excellent :).
We also slept-in, went out for a nice breakfast, and we have a fine dinner in the works. I had planned on baking some homemade Yule cookies, but I'm still recovering from a rather...
Too bad I'm sick lol....I hope I don't miss out on the festivities :p
Thanks, chaps :D
Don't worry, this is just the beginning. I plan on either applying for season wilderness ranger jobs, or taking another SCA position like this one.
As of now, I have earned the...
I haven't given Santa many options since I've bought pretty much everything I want at the moment lol....but, a good laugh would be great :D
I seriously hope he doesn't try to slide down the chimney...
Sorry for my absence, guys :p
I am back from my time in Missouri, and I must say that I have never loved a job as much as I loved my work managing wilderness areas for the US Forest Service. The...
I don't have pics yet, but I'm the process of restoring a 66 inch two-man crosscut saw that I picked up at a local antique store. It came with the original handles, which are similar to the "Western"...
T^ HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I have landed the gold mine.... :jumping-joy:
It cost me $150, but I landed a vintage US made crosscut saw (with the original handles) and in very good condition It's...
T^ Very nice :). Is there a DIY for this? I have some spare paracord sitting in a dusty corner...
T^ Very cool. :) I think I'll use the wrist version for my pocket knife, thanks for posting :D