Keeping well enough. Looking forward to some cold clear nights out!
Type: Posts; User: Bob W
Keeping well enough. Looking forward to some cold clear nights out!
DD underquilt, after blagging a sewing machine and getting the materials to make one :confused2:
Couldn't get my backside into gear and get round to making one, so my paypal account is a bit...
I've had this in my Fave's list for a while now. There used to be an option when you opened it to use an alternative that didn't depend the usage limit set by OS. It seems to have changed, still a...
My latest favourite is the Singleton of Dufftown. Myself and three mates recently won the Yorkshire county champ of champs at bowls and my £40 share of the £160 prize money went on a bottle of their...
Go outdoors seem to have bio ethanol on the shelves instead of meths at the moment. Priced the same though I think!!
Readily available here,
I reckon the extra couple of quid is worth it, given what you'll save in the long run by not having to buy...
Never really done any shore fishing, over here in the UK, the best sport locally (north east) is from a boat, fishing wrecks and rough ground. Shore work mostly produces small Whiting.
I've been itching to do some Cod fishing over your way Rune. Time and money have prevented it for the last couple of years.
They do a couple of different types, the one in the darker pack is better, still quite sweet, but a stronger brew.
After watching a recent video on utube by a certain knife maker, I'm quite fancying one of those Polish army lavuu teepee's!!
I always get them, I reckon they're better than the famous equivalent T^ The empty plastic jars also make good spare change piggy banks.
If I spent 12k on a kitchen, all I'd end up with would be expensive burnt offerings instead of "just" burnt offerings!! :campfire:
I'll PM you.
I've found the Vargo fuel bottles to be cheap enough, easy spout for priming a trangia etc.
I've also got a couple of rosewater and glycerin bottles, a few bowlers use the contents for a grip on...
Since getting my DD I've never used the mozzie net, I've only used it locally, the banks of the Tees and a syndicate near Scorton so I wouldn't worry about a net too much just yet. It will come in...
I'm sure you've been appreciated very much over the last 13 years Wayne, a very worthwhile service. I've never needed your services "yet" but I may very well need those of your colleagues in the...
Well done, you're never too old to go back.
I found myself with very little work a couple of years ago and because I missed some of my "O" levels at school I decided to go back to school and do...
Cheers Rob T^
Actually Rob, no not yet and I'm glad you pointed it out, thanks, I'll look into it.
We are thinking of mounting a transom between the two and putting our 55lb leccy motor on.
Not entirely traditional but it is nearly 2014 ;)
Coleman ram-x 15' canadian canoe for some bankside hammocking. My mate has the same and we intend joining them together, catamaran style, for some bigger water excursions.
I think they can develop a bubble at high altitude too. But I do mean high.
Check out (if you haven't already) Crawlingroad's Utube channel, some good vids on there.