Personally I find them more comfortable, and practically indestructible. Best of luck in the hunt for the right boot for you
Regards Tim
Type: Posts; User: tds123
Personally I find them more comfortable, and practically indestructible. Best of luck in the hunt for the right boot for you
Regards Tim
Did yo see my post about rigger boots?
Thanks mate!;)
If you do that you'll leave the head in and get infection!
If like me there is always to much month left at the end of the money then you will understand that this sport we all love can be a tad costly and the list of gadgets and equipment we all crave seems...
Here's another one for you.
Fair enough, but the local spar shop does credit, or he could go to the food bank lol
Rigger boots! I started using them when I was at sea, they're waterproof, tough as hell, steel toecaps and you can get a good pair for about £30 my current pair got left outside over winter by...
I should probably think you know this already, but if you do get a tick, a spot of Vaseline on it's bum(fanny for our US cousins) and it will let go and drop off, as they breathe through there arse...
If you don't believe it visit...
Thanks mate, its awesome thinking oh I feel like shooting, opening the back door and I'm there;)
I've just popped out onto my range out the back, and at 30 metres, prone with a slight right to left wind I emptied a ten round mag into this target, just to make it a bit more interesting for me my...
Lol! Just one thing, this is not my dog, I would never do such a thing! Its a PIC I er stole from the interweb, but I guess now I've given it back to the interweb, so alls well lol
This is what I'm building in the garden, so far just the rough frame, that I'm going to stuff with greenery.
And this is the field at the back of the garden where i bait the crows etc with...
Oh and mike thanks for looking for me, very kind.
whiskers rule mike, except I keep being told I look like a terrorist! Lol I've been out all morning cutting wood for my hide, back off out in a minute to do more! I normally just have a tent, cam...
I have never bothered with camouflage clothes in the past, just stuck to stuff that resembles the habitat, at that time of year and done OK, but my Mrs is fed up with me ruining my clothes, so I've...
Oops! Its so easy to forget that the first w in www. Stands for world!!! Lol, oh and thanks for all the suggestions everyone, if you don't see me around for a while, you'll know I've got it...
I have a secret weapon as well Vasili!!!
You star, thanks mate!
12985 who would think they where savage rater's?
A knot is always the weakest point, that's why its always best to splice rope whenever possible.
Looking now!
Thanks mike I,lol have a look for them, do you know a web site for them?