Thank you Sorry about the late answer.
Hi buddy, Sorry not been online much and when I have it is has been quick resonses via my phone. Hope you had a good Xmas and New year.
I am in one of his videos, where we had a little meet at my local permission.
Hi Al, let me know when you are about and I'll do my best to meet you. Not sure when I'm going to be available for an overnighter now, most my weekends are now booked up with family commitments between now and Xmas.
Yes the forum did go down for about an hour in the early hours of the morning. Thanks for letting me know about the server-time, I think it's correct now.
For £7.50? Did you get anything good?
Glad you enjoyed me kicking the kernow-king's butt! I think the server went down overnight, but the time seems fine to me now on here, how about you?
Nice pics!
Quite possibly glitched abit! I'm up for a meet though, defo! I'd consider a winter gathering?
the can of whoopass on the king!!!! lmfao i did
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