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  1. View Conversation
    Can I come to the meet? Good chance to try out some new skills.
  2. View Conversation
    We'd be delighted to see you both. Ian will be very busy - there are soooooo many bunnies.

    Paul (and his son) and Plus 1 are up for it plus the landowner and his son and my son. I'm pleased to say that Mrs Ehecatl was talked into getting me an early birthday present so I am now the proud owner of a 'chute too.

    I am away this coming weekend but early next week I shall arrange the logistics etc.


  3. View Conversation
    Hiya sorry I've been in Hibernation mode and then my old laptop went kaput so I missed this message. Thanks anyway and let me know if anything else is coming up. Cheers
  4. View Conversation
    Hi mate,

    Sorry, only just saw this message.
    I tell ya what mate, I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next one.
    A father son event would be a cracker, and mine are well up for it.
    It was great to meet you and thanks for making me feel so welcome, you're a gent and someone I'm delighted to call a mate!
    Look forward to learning a lot more from you.

  5. View Conversation
    Hi Mark how are you,job going OK,I still havant got anything permanent , never mind hope to see you in march, Atb to and you'rs and a very good Xmas.
  6. View Conversation
    lol i take it youve been searching for them and had no luck,they are made and sold by bison bushcraft.How you been bud,hope youve been practising your tracking.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi Mark,Im a truck driver in the week and a knife maker and bushcrafter weekends,Oh and i also like a drink.Iv been a hunter/poacher all my life, started at school with a catty over fields near Clayhall and clayberry hospital.Moved up this way after leviny school into the propper country got myself a shot gun and my mum &dad never see me again,well hardly.I spent most daylight ours over the fields, bread lurcher for about 10 years well nown dog round this errier.Have you had alook at mt blades on yhe forum? Away thats some of me,Ill be well up for a night or two under the tarp when the wether gets a bit better let us now............atb..............TONY
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About mark

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Date of Birth
January 4, 1980 (45)
About mark
after receving a woodlore weekend for my 30th, iv been bitten by the bug, just cant wait to get out there and do some
lorry driver (Trucker)


A wise man once said.

ATB. Don't get eaten by the Bears.



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