Welcome to our community. It doesn't matter which country you're from, your age or skill level, we invite you to join in with our friendly community, where we share and learn Bushcraft knowledge and skills freely.
Fungi or Firecraft, Tracking or Bow-Making, Woodcraft or Wild-Cooking, if it's Bushcraft talk about it here.
Discuss Foraging Wild Edibles, Recipes, Cooking Techniques, Water Purification & Your Experiences.
Traditional Crafts, Campcraft, Wood or Metal work, if you've got a Bushcrafty project on the go let us know.
Share the experiences you've had on the trail.
Share your memories & experiences by showing us your photography. Feel free to ask photography related questions also.
Insects, Birds, Bees, Deer or birds of prey, talk about it all here.
Bushmoots, Meets, Gatherings, call them what you will, but if you fancy meeting up with some likeminded people in your area post here.
Share your experiences with Bushcraft gear.
This area is for individuals to buy/sell kit, not a place for makers or businesses to sell there produce.
Lightweight, Ultra-Lightweight or just trying to shed a few pounds when you pack your kit? Chat about it here.
Edged Tools, Axes, Knives, Saws, Froes, etc.
Lighters, Tinders, Firesteels, Cooking Stoves etc.
Whether it's Tents or Hammocks, Pillows or Ear-plugs, if it helps you sleep talk about it here.
Had a good or bad retail experience? Let us all know so we can use the good retailers and warn others about the bad ones.
Other recreations like Fishing, Hiking, Backpacking etc.
Books, TV Shows, Films, Links etc.
Any books or magazines that you are interested in that have an outdoorsy or bushcrafty theme to them.
If you see an interesting video sharing skills or knowledge, please share it here.
Sustainable Living, Eco & Green Environmental Tips & Issues.
A lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's impact of the Earth's natural resources.
Talk about anything you like here.
Introduce yourself and welcome others to the community.
Report bugs you've found on the website or forum or just let me know what you think!
Need help on how to use the forum? Ask for technical help here (not for asking Bushcraft questions)
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Most users ever online was 5,389, 05-01-2025 at 11:04 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, Sundowner