Conversation Between beechnut mick and Cobalt

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Mick. Sounds good I have quite a bit going on over the next couple of weeks, but towards the end off the month things should calm down. I will definatly be in need of a Bimble by then.
  2. Hello mate will be up for that bimble anytime after this coming weekend.Spring is on the way now so plenty to see and follow through the next seasons.
  3. Hi Cobalt,anytime 07792454668.we've all got alot to learn and it's something you never stop learning,we all have the bushcraft bug and learn off each other,it's just a case of getting out there.hope to hear from you soon.
    ATB Mike.
  4. Hi Mick, Thanks for the message.
    I bimble around Hockley Woods quite a lot. I'm just getting into bushcraft so I've got a lot to learn. Would be good to meet up sometime. Let me know when's good for you. Pete.
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