Conversation Between bigzee and Metal mug

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm sorry about your cat, it's always sad to lose a buddy. Maybe you could invent a special cat hammock that attaches to the back of your bag. For cat owning bushcrafters. This time next year you could be a millionare.
  2. Yeah - thanks. I liked her too, but she wasted away to nearly nothing last year so we took her to the vets to do the decent thing. Not a pleasant task after 13 years loyal service ( I think I could have done a more humane job in the garage than the junior vet did fumbling for arteries etc).

    The year before last I was looking for ways to shave crucial pounds off the load for a backpacking trip, and put by sack down. Later I came back and found her kipping as per photo ("you're not going without me dad") . She didn't come of course. I took my daughter instead - who meant more load carrying anyway!
  3. I like the cat in your avatar bigzee.
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