View Full Version : Keeping him entertained. Stealth camp tonight.

31-10-2012, 07:26 AM
Really looking forward to a stealth camp tonight with my eldest (14) tonight.
We'll get over there a good few hours before sun down, so we can get set up and gather wood in sufficient time.

My lose plan is:

Setup & gather firewood, get comfortable
Set some bunny snares
See if we can watch the badgers
Check snares
Gutting & Skinning (hopefully)
Get the dinner on
Make a catty each

As the nights are starting early now, I wanted to get your ideas for keeping him occupied in the several dark hours leading up to getting your head down.
Making a catty is one idea but would like to have several, so would welcome your input. :confused2:

31-10-2012, 08:44 AM
Take some cards along they don't take up much space and are handy to while the time away.

31-10-2012, 08:52 AM
Cards (i really recommend a card game called Braggart), Kindle with light, marshmallows, stargazing if you have a clear enough sky

31-10-2012, 09:17 AM
dont rely on the snares take some grub!

31-10-2012, 09:56 AM
Have fun :0)

31-10-2012, 11:12 AM
Cheers chaps.
Didn't think of cards :ashamed:

Don't worry fish, packed plenty of food :D
A bunny would be nice though! Be good for him to catch, gut, skin and cook one himself.

01-11-2012, 02:58 AM
Coming up to 4am and the rain is relentless!
Memo to self: Next time bring ear plugs! ;)

01-11-2012, 05:51 AM
Coming up to 4am and the rain is relentless!
Memo to self: Next time bring ear plugs! ;)

Reminds me of the monsoon season in Thailand. Our bungalow has a corrugated roof, and for me it was a nightmare when raining.
While the wife always informed with a big smile: Tonight have big rain, good sleep :-)
Here English grammar needed some work back then, ha ha

01-11-2012, 10:17 AM
I recently bought a small radio for a weekend walk... used it for weather, and some background music while laid in my tent...

How about a couple of bits of wood, and have a go at spoon making?

01-11-2012, 01:53 PM
Hi Simon you'll be accused of poshcrafting with that radio Ha Ha (sorry)

01-11-2012, 02:00 PM
I recently bought a small radio for a weekend walk...

I too have a small multi band radio, great for weather reports etc. Its wind up so doesnt rely on batteries and if I put rechargeable ones in it I can recharge them to put in my headtorch.

02-11-2012, 12:01 PM
if im in the mood for music i have a lithium speaker for my ipod and some chill tunes helps when the weather bad!!!!

02-11-2012, 12:28 PM
It's funny how people differ, I hate any sort of music when I'm out.I normally turn the radio off in the car on the way,find it helps me too "tune in" to my suroundings if you pardon the pun.While I always carry my mobile with me I can't bear the thought of it going off so I always have it on silent.Like I said thats just my way. Paul

12-12-2012, 09:46 PM
I agree with Paulthefish, I go to the woods and hills to evade the high tech world, a lovely chat around a camp fire is just fine for me, horses for courses as they say

Who are "they" anyway?

Old Guard
13-12-2012, 09:34 AM
I agree with Paulthefish, I go to the woods and hills to evade the high tech world, a lovely chat around a camp fire is just fine for me, horses for courses as they say

Who are "they" anyway?

The Bookies of course ;)